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Apartment 2 rooms Zorilor area | New Block | Terrace 45 sqm | Parking 10000 Euro

Cluj-Napoca, Zorilor

ID: P2977 143 Exclusivitate vandut
  • Nr. camere:2
  • S. utila:56.00 mp
  • S. construita:70.00 mp
  • Comp.:Decomandat
  • Confort:1
  • Etaj:Etaj 3
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:1
  • Nr. garaje:1
  • An constructie:2021
  • Structura:Caramida
  • Tip imobil:Bloc
  • Regim inaltime:P+4
  • Orientare:Nord-Vest
  • Clasa energetica:B

Modern architecture. Top location. Premium features. Private parking.

We offer you a special 2-room apartment with underground parking located in Cluj-Napoca in the Zorilor neighborhood in a building built in 2021.

The apartment has a functional compartmentalization, with balanced proportions between the spaces.

The design concept is a unitary one, the whole house keeps the same stylistic line. The living room was furnished industrially, the furniture being made to order.

The finishes chosen for the walls and the floor visually enlarge the space through the reflections created and contribute to shaping the modern atmosphere. Decorating the walls with structural paints adds extra elegance to the home.

The sandstone floor in the bathroom creates a harmonious continuity in the whole house.

In the bedroom, thanks to the white surfaces, the light multiplies and the space seems even bigger.

An important component of the apartment is the terrace, which offers a great view of the city.

We confidently recommend this apartment!

  • Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Canalizare, Gaz, Fibra optica
  • Sistem incalzire: Centrala proprie, Incalzire pardoseala
  • Izolatii exterior: Exterior, Bloc izolat termic
  • Pereti: Vopsea lavabila, Faianta
  • Podele: Parchet, Gresie
  • Ferestre: PVC
  • Usa intrare: Metal
  • Spatii utile: Terasa
  • Bucatarie: Mobilata, Utilata
  • Contorizare: Apometre, Contor gaz
  • Mobilat: Complet
  • Imobil: Interfon, Lift, Spatii agrement

Daniel Domuța

Broker Owner


Daniel Domuța